Scholarship at Federal University of São Carlos


Scholarship at Federal University of São Carlos

Degree Type
Brazil's public colleges, known as federal universities, offer tuition-free education to admitted students. The Federal University of São Carlos has established a selection notice for the admission of refugees in undergraduate courses at the São Carlos, Araras, Sorocaba and Lagoa do Sino campuses. Interested individuals should have taken the National High School Exams (Enem), enrollment for taking the Enem will take place May 8-19. In order to enroll into the Federal University of São Carlos, in addition to the result of the Enem, it is necessary that the applicant also prove their refugee status, through a certificate issued by the National Committee for Refugees (Conare), a collegial body linked to the Ministry of Justice. Full documentation is required and must be sent through the mail to the Dean of Graduate UFSCar (Federal University of São Carlos) until the 12th of September this year (2017).